What does your DNA reveal about your health? Read about a few cutting edge therapies we offer. Genetic Nutrition, MTHFR and Nutrigenomics
Links We Like Below are some links we like. Some are informational, some are charitable, some are just for fun and some are all of the above! Enjoy! Snelling Holistic Health Blog Our very own blog! Come check out class schedules and office events. We also post our latest newsletter to the blog. National Center for Homeopathy The National Center for Homeopathy works to protect and promote Homeopathy in the USA. There is a wealth of information here and it’s a good place to start if you are new to Homeopathy. Homeopathic Educational Services This site is run by Dana Ullman, MPH, one of America’s leading advocates for homeopathy. There are articles for reading and lots of books and products for sale. He has a list of distance training courses for learning about homeopathy. 3 in 1 Concepts Three in One Concepts is an educational corporation with the purpose of assisting individuals to integrate Body, Mind and Spirit through the One Brain method of stress defusion. Upledger Institute The Upledger Institute is a healthcare resource center in Florida. Among many other things, the Upledger Institute provides training and certification for CranioSacral Therapists. Financial Peace University Part of Dave Ramsey’s website, this is the home of his Financial Peace program for getting out of debt and building wealth. The Hunger Site Click Daily to help feed the world! Also click the tabs at the top of their page to visit sister sites for Animal Rescue, Child Health, Breast Cancer Screening, Literacy and Rainforest Protection. Free Rice Test your vocabulary skills while helping to feed needy people all over the world. Homeopathy: Beyond Flat-Earth Medicine Learn more about Homeopathy by reading Dr. Timothy Dooley's book. It's a wonderful introduction to homeopathy and Dr. Dooley explains how Homeopathy differs from conventional methods. Weston A. Price Foundation The Weston A. Price Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt charity dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the American diet through education, research and activism. UShealers.com We are a member of UShealers.com, a directory of healers and therapists across the US and Canada.