What does your DNA reveal about your health? Read about a few cutting edge therapies we offer. Genetic Nutrition, MTHFR and Nutrigenomics
Practitioners and Staff
Victoria Snelling, DC Dr. Snelling received her B.S. at Memphis State University and her Doctorate in Chiropractic from Texas Chiropractic College in 1984. She began a four-year study of Homeopathy at the London School of Homeopathy in London, England in 1984 and continues what she sees as a lifetime commitment to the study of Homeopathy. She has been in practice in Louisville since 1988. Dr. Snelling continues to improve her knowledge of
Homeopathy, Chiropractic and CranioSacral Therapy by attending ongoing courses
and seminars. She has a referral listing with the National Center for
Homeopathy and leads the Dr. Snelling brings the benefit of her own personal journey to her commitment to assist others on the path of healing. She views health as an ongoing process and searches for the most effective tools to facilitate that process. She utilizes a variety of holistic treatments in finding the program that will work best for each individual. She is happy to refer to practioners outside of the practice when needed. Dr. Snelling offers caring treatment with techniques including classical homeopathy, gentle chiropractic, CranioSacral Therapy, nutritional and dietary analysis, herbalism, OneBrain Defusion, Reiki and Regression Therapy. E-mail: vsnelling(at)aol(dot)com
Stephen Pollock, R. Ph., CST Stephen Pollock is a registered pharmacist, One Brain Specialized Trainer, CranioSacral Therapist and Reiki Master trainer. Steve’s commitment is clear in his contribution of the knowledge and skills he’s acquired through his various trainings to facilitate his clients’ journeys as they eliminate the control the past has over their present day to day living. His goal is for his clients to: ¨ Recognize their complete freedom to choose ¨ Achieve whatever goals they desire in life and ¨ Enjoy living fully self-expressed in the present moment E-mail: onebrain(at)insightbb(dot)com Rachel Gee, Massage Therapist Swedish/Relaxation, Deep Tissue, CranioSacral Therapy, Sports massage, Reflexology Kath Tallichet, Massage Therapist Swedish/Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Jin Shin Jyutsu Acupressure, some Trigger Point therapy. Susan Smith, Office Manager E-mail: officemanager(at)drsnelling(dot)com |